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International business, finance, and sciences are largely dominated by the English language. To assist businesses and and professionals move forward in the marketplace, A+ English Academy offers 10 week courses at all levels of English. With our main focus being directly related to the specific type of business practiced.



  1. Listening (comprehension)

  2. Speaking (phonetics)

  3. Reading (recognition)

  4. Grammar (mechanics)

  5. Writing (vocabulary building)

  • This course also includes speech and presentation preparation


Our goal is to get you or your team ready to secure the business relationships you have been looking for.

Business / Financial English

​After you have had extensive education in the proper mechanics and phonetics of English, what can you do to keep those skills sharp? It is a disappointing fact that many students that study foreign languages for years, have a tendancy to forget much of what they had learned.


In this 10 week course you are the star! Communicate your interests, magnify your attention to detail by having structured dialogue with a native English speaker.



  1. Listening (comprehension)

  2. Speaking (phonetics)

  3. Grammar (mechanics)


This is your time to shine. Practice is the best way to maintain your language proficency.

​These courses are ideal for students at all levels of English proficency. Each course focuses on five aspects of language that allow students to constantly experience progress in their learning.



  1. Listening (comprehension)

  2. Speaking (phonetics)

  3. Reading (recognition)

  4. Writing (vocabulary building)

  5. Grammar (mechanics)


Providing a stable foundation is the main factor for building a structure that lasts. Therefore, a majority of the lessons are theme focused to help the students understand how the English language relates to the world around them.

Duration of Courses and Attendance.

A+ English Academy understands that time is important, that is why each course lasts only 10 weeks. Lessons are available on varying scedules. Mon/Wed, Tue/Thu, and Fri/Sun. We also offer morning, afternoon, and evening classes to help work around your busy schedule. All courses require satisfactory scores from testing materials and require 80% attendance.

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